Wednesday, August 24, 2016

HEB Manor/Springdale #161

    Today was a great day at H-E-B!  I went to the HEB Manor #161, which is two miles away from my house in the opposite direction of #639. There has been a lot of street and highway construction in this area, so I haven't been to the Manor HEB in a while.  For those of you who haven't been to #161, the architectural style roughly fits the mid 90s to early '00s HEB designs.  While not nearly as glamorous as one of the state of the art HEBs, #161 has a distinct charm with its dropped ceiling and simple floor tiling. The best thing about this HEB is its deals. Today I got a coupon for a dollar off a loaf of HEB's bakeshop honey wheat split top–my favorite type–bringing the price down to a whopping 83¢!  I also picked up some well priced chips and apple juice for a small party I had this afternoon.  A minor complaint I have towards this HEB is the location of the freezer section.  It lies in the middle of the store, and it feels like it cuts the store in half.  Even though this is a mid to small size HEB, the freezer section makes going from one side of the store to the other seem like a more daunting task.  Other than that, #161 is a pretty good HEB and I would recommend it to anyone looking for great deals or wanting to take advantage of their above average butchery.
    Hope you all have and H-E-Best day!


  1. Hi! I'm a Fred Meyer's enthusiast from the pacific northwest. Your blog has really got me thinking about how I can more critically engage with the stores out here. I might even start my own blog! Any advice for an aspiring grocery store chronicler?

    1. Hello Mr. Taylor Campi. That is so wonderful to hear! If F Meyer brings as much joy to you as HE-Butt brings to me, then you should share that love with everybody!
      First off, I would think up who you want your audience to be. HEBwithEd is targeted toward average to advanced HEB users, who have at least some HEB experience. But you might want to broaden or narrow you audience depending on how much detail you intend to go into. For example, I have never been to Fred Meyer. Are you going to explain what a "Fred Meyer" is to me in a general terms, or are you going to focus on the subtleties that only an advanced Fred Meyer's shopper would appreciate.
      Second thing is the content. My blog mostly focuses on the diverse HEB locations out here. HEBs are like people, everyone of them is a unique being with their own gifts. You might want to do the same with Fred Meyer, or maybe you want to focus on how Fred Meyer compares to other stores, or maybe you just want to express you love of shopping there! It's all up to you. This is your world, you're the creator!
      Once you have these two things, I think you'll be all set! I can't wait to read about your experiences with other grocery store. I can't even imagine what great things might exist outside of HEB. Hope you have an H-E-Best Day.

  2. Hi! I'm a Fred Meyer's enthusiast from the pacific northwest. Your blog has really got me thinking about how I can more critically engage with the stores out here. I might even start my own blog! Any advice for an aspiring grocery store chronicler?

    1. Hello!
      That is so wonderful to hear! If Fred Meyer brings you joy, then of course you should write about him! In fact, it seems like some other commenters on this post are also interested in Fred Meyer. You should talk to them about blogging or even a collaborative effort! First word of advice is make sure you have a disclaimer at the bottom of your page. That way you can avoid any nasty cease and desist letters, while sharing your fair use experiences.
      Second is to keep your blog positive. Nothing says rocking the internet like always staying positive. And if you are going to publish on the same subject–Mr Fred Meyer–then you want to keep you readers hooked with love instead of driven out by hate. Plus you can avoid those nasty cease and desist letters, if the man thinks you're not a threat.
      Hope you're blogging goes well and let me know via PM once you publish as I will definitely check it out. Hope you have an H-E-Best Day!
