Tuesday, August 23, 2016

HEB Mueller #639

    Today was a great day at H-E-B!  My friend and I went around 1pm to my home HEB in Mueller. This time we picked up some fruit, eggs, and yogurt for today's lunch. One of my favorite things about HEB #639 is it only has one main entrance, which faces you toward the high cellinged produce section. It is as if the HEB itself wants you to buy fruits and vegetables.  I took my usual journey through HEB #639, which begins in the produce section and spirals around the store counterclockwise ending in the central bread section. I then march down the health aisle to the multiple 15 Items or Less checkout line. My friend and I checked out, grabbed a few more Buddy Bucks, and headed over to spin the wheel. I had about 20 Buddy Bucks saved up, so I was eager to press my luck. After a batch of close calls and small payouts–1 to 5 points–I finally landed a big Instant Winner! Unfortunately the only Instant prize #639 have this quarter is the disappointing sidewalk chalk, of which I already own two. But the man at the claim counter was very nice and gave me two lollipops instead.  I'll be back to collect once they rotate the prizes.

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